Elena Santucci
Elena Santucci Art Photography
16th International Color Awards
Nominee sec. Sport – Opera Title: “StreetSoccer”
17th Black & White Spider Awards 2022
Honorable Mention - Section: "Silhouette"
Title: "BeTheInstrumentOfYourself"
13th International Color Awards
Honorable Mention sec. Fine Art – Opera Title: “FromHellToHeaven”
Finalist sec. Creative photography – Opera Title: “ThroughAGeometricPlace”
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2018
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Abstract"
Opera Title: "NudeTrees"
6th ZEBRA AWARDS - International Photography Awards 2018
Finalist - Section "Fine Art and Open"
Opera Title: "LaRouteDansLaNeige"
11th International Color Awards
Nominee - Section: "Abstract"
Opera Title: "ElectricalGeometries"
PH21 Gallery - Just In Time - Juried International Photography Exhibition 2018
Honorable Mention
Exhibition 15 February - 10 March 2018 - PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2017
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Other"
Portfolio Title: "Lunapark"
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2017
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Abstract"
Opera Title: "WindyHill"
BAC – Biancoscuro Art Contest 2017
Prize “Solo Exhibition - Section "Photography”
Prize “Collective Exhibition”
37th Annual Spring Photography Contest 2017 - Photographer's Forum
Honorable Mention
5th ZEBRA AWARDS - International Photography Awards 2017
Finalist - Section "Fine Art and Open"
Opera Title: "WalkingInTheNight"
3rd FAPA - Fine Art Photography Awards 2017
Nominee - Section "Fine Art"
Portfolio Title: "Columns"
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2016
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Abstract"
Portfolio Title: "Ice"
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2016
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Other"
Opera Title: "Horses"
BAC – Biancoscuro Art Contest 2016
Prize “Collective Exhibition”
36th Annual Spring Photography Contest 2016 - Photographer's Forum
PH21 Gallery - Lines and Curves - Juried International Photography Exhibition 2016
Honorable Mention
Exhibition 17 March - 12 April 2016 - PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Honorable Mention - Section "Art"
BIANCOSCURO Art Contest Parma Edition 2016
Special Prize "One month exhibition on Monferrato"
Cascina Lanè Baldichieri d'Asti - 14 march - 15 april 2016
Opera title: "CANNETO"
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2015
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Conceptual"
Opera Title: "Curves"
ND Awards - Neutral Density photography Awards 2015
Honorable Mention - Section: "Fine Art: Other"
Portfolio Title: "Boats"
35th Annual Spring Photography Contest 2015 - Photographer's Forum
Honorable Mention
Opera Title: "Curves"